New Anime Series- Haiyore Nyariko

First Episode Review for: Haiyore Nyariko

Summary : Well basically all the gods of the Cthulhu Mythos are actually aliens and some of them are good guys (space cops) and are living on earth disguised as cute teenage girls, GOD I LOVE ANIME!!

Animation : A great mix of styles from a acceptable plain cell style to a seriously detailed dark style (hence the 2 screen shots)

Plot Potential: I don’t care if it has a plot (which is Lucky as I cant see any sign of one), as I’m to busy trying to follow all the ‘in jokes’ regarding Lovecraft’s works and RPG’s

Characters: The characters have diddly squat to do with their Lovecraft originals, and this is far more a re skinned “alien girl comes to earth” than anything else

Music: Nothing to speak off, I cant even remember the opening theme and its only 10 mins into the anime!

Reminds me of: To Love-Ru feels just about the same

Overall: I had been really looking forward to a Lovecraft themed anime, and was disappointed when the terrible flash style version Haiyore! Nyaruko-san came out
, this is the anime I was really waiting for and it is very happily received, though I’m sure that a pure lover of H.P. Lovecraft’s works would be rolling in their grave


Disclaimer: These are mini reviews of anime’s that are fresh out in Japan and are not licensed in the UK, buy them once they have been licensed or at the very least buy the merchandise, remember if the anime makers make a loss, THEY WILL STOP MAKING ANIME!!

Exposing existing classes for REST top tips

Bolting new functionality onto older systems always has its fair share of fun and games, but exposing internal data structures to external parties is an even greater horror, this does happen though, particularly when clients want to access previously locked down systems via web services or REST interfaces or you want to deliver the same functional via new client eg B2B, mobile etc etc, I have been doing this recently with REST services using the JERSEY library, which like nearly all the good service libraries serialise and deserialise classes for you automatically, however nothing is ever perfect straight out of the box so here are some the things you can do to make your REST services perfect (these work with any JAX/Jackson implementation and often even CXF based systems)

Ill put all the code in first then explain it later (this coded represents the internal class that I am exposing via the services plus the annotations that I have added to it):

package com.ldc.classes;
import java.util.Date;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty;
public class Address {
    private int Id;
    private Date whenTheyMovedIn;
    private String guessWhenTheyMovedIn;
    private String firstLine;
    private String secondLine;
    private String postCode;
    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class)
    public Date getWhenTheyMovedIn() {
        return whenTheyMovedIn;
    public void setWhenTheyMovedIn(Date whenTheyMovedIn) {
        this.whenTheyMovedIn = whenTheyMovedIn;
    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomTextToDateSerializer.class)
    public String getGuessWhenTheyMovedIn() {
        return guessWhenTheyMovedIn;
    public void setGuessWhenTheyMovedIn(String guessWhenTheyMovedIn) {
        this.guessWhenTheyMovedIn = guessWhenTheyMovedIn;
    public String getFirstLine() {
        return firstLine;
    public void setFirstLine(String firstLine) {
        this.firstLine = firstLine;
    public String getSecondLine() {
        return secondLine;
    public void setSecondLine(String secondLine) {
        this.secondLine = secondLine;
    public String getPostCode() {
        return postCode;
    public void setPostCode(String postCode) {
        this.postCode = postCode;
    public int getId() {
        return Id;
    public void setId(int Id) {
        this.Id = Id;

package com.ldc.classes;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException;
public class CustomDateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Date> {
    public void serialize(Date value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz");
        String formattedDate = formatter.format(value);

package com.ldc.classes;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException;
public class CustomTextToDateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<String> {
    public void serialize(String value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        Date date = null;
        try {
            date = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.US).parse(value);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz");
        String formattedDate = formatter.format(date);

Right!, first one is name changes, i.e. you have a field who’s name is just fine in your internal class, but you want to change it when you expose it via REST services (in this case its the “id” field, this was because “id” is a reserved word under iOS which make using it a PITA for the client coders), all you have to do is put the following @annotation and the Alias you want to use just above the field you want to change, and bingo, new name ONLY for REST services

    private int Id;

Next is date formatting, the default json date format is not loved by many people I know, and a lot of people prefer ISO 8601, you can use a custom class to do this conversion for you quite easly, again without touching the internal workings of your existing classes, just put this anotation above the ‘getter’ for that field and it will do the conversion for you on the fly (you can see the CustomDateSerializer.class code above)

@JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class)
    public Date getWhenTheyMovedIn() {
        return whenTheyMovedIn;

Finally you can take the custom classes a bit further and change type not just class, for example converting a short form date “DD/MM/YY” stored in a String into a propper Date field. you again just declare a custom class but beef up your code and you can turn anything to anything, funky!

 @JsonSerialize(using = CustomTextToDateSerializer.class)
    public String getGuessWhenTheyMovedIn() {
        return guessWhenTheyMovedIn;

Looking back on this last project and talking with clients about a future one, there is maybe the option of having a dedicated set of classes for external services, far more control and more secure (as, if someone adds a field that really should NOT be exposed it wont automatically flow though to the external service), mind you if you do it that way you will have to weight up the not inconsiderable advantages of speed and easy of maintenance offered by using the internal classes.

but either way these tips might help

Old Comments
##### Karsten Lehmann(31/05/2012 15:37:18 GDT)
I hope you never try to use this on a Domino server with Extension Library installed. IBM picked Apache Wink as JAX-RS provider and JAX-RS only allows one per JVM (an extremely bad idea).

I did some investigation in this area when we started developing REST APIs for a framework. Somewhere in the JVM, there is a static field that contains the JAX-RS provider and this can only be set one time – with one value.
##### Mark(31/05/2012 18:07:21 GDT)
Karsten: oh poot, hmmmm, there must be a way round that, grrrrrrr

Chris: im off the booze, im on java drugs now
##### chris(31/05/2012 17:46:32 GDT)
dont understand a word of it you must be drinking something stronger than me

New Anime Series- Ginga e Kickoff

First Episode Review for: Ginga-e-Kickoff

Summary : A lad who loves Football (soccer) but can’t play it for toffee is the last person on a dissolved team and starts the hunt to make a new team.

Animation : Slightly washed out single tone cell animation, nothing partially wrong with it but a bit “low rent”

Plot Potential: This looks like another underdogs rise to meet the challenge job,

Characters: Strangely enough given that I was not enjoying this anine (I hate football), the characters were not that bad, the main character was the weakest of them

Music: The opening theme was quite rousing, with low key stirring music in the back ground throughout

Reminds me of: A much naffer (or comedy version) of Knight in the Area

Overall: I made it though this anime teeth gritted, there is nothing hugely wrong in it, but the subject matter combined with the lack of anything outstanding makes it in my opinion one to miss

Disclaimer: These are mini reviews of anime’s that are fresh out in Japan and are not licensed in the UK, buy them once they have been licensed or at the very least buy the merchandise, remember if the anime makers make a loss, THEY WILL STOP MAKING ANIME!!

Started swimming

Due to my squash partner twisting his ankle while pissed, I was looking round for a cheap interesting exercise this morning, turns out the Local pool is 5 Min’s walk away from me and costs £3 with my “Iz card” WHY haven’t I used it before now????

Its open at 6.30 for lanes, done my first 500M (starting slowly)

Only 6,649.5Km left till I’ve swam the length of the Nile :p

Old Comments

Mark Barton(28/05/2012 13:15:56 GDT)

Won’t all of the wookie fur block up the filters? Emoticon

New Anime Series- Folktales from japan

First Episode Review for: Folktales from japan

Summary : As you may have guessed from the title this anime is a series of retellings of traditional Japanese folk tales.

Animation : Very basic, a certain simplistic charm but obviously designed for young children

Plot Potential: 3 short tales for each episode very much in the vein of Aesop’s fables, although Japan REALLY has it in for bad neighbours, really REALLY!!

Characters: I cant really pass judgements on traditional characters that are there to relate the point of a tale rather than entertain us, characters tend to be very polar either completely good or completely bad

Music: Snippets of traditional music and a couple of kiddies tunes for closing, nothing that gets on the nerves.

Reminds me of: Nope this is fairly unique on me, i vaguely remember an 80’s anime about history that might come close but I can find its name

Overall: These were really quite fun to watch, quite fascinating in fact and I suspect gave a bit of low brow cultural background to the normal stuff I watch, very much recommend.

Disclaimer: These are mini reviews of anime’s that are fresh out in Japan and are not licensed in the UK, buy them once they have been licensed or at the very least buy the merchandise, remember if the anime makers make a loss, THEY WILL STOP MAKING ANIME!!