Painting Guide – Pirate

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Black Scorpion miniatures (pirates 4)

Paint(s): Chaos Black (spray), Mornfang brown, Skrag Brown, Deathclaw Brown, Bugmans Glow, Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh, Retributor Armour, Liberator Gold, Leadbelcher, Stormhost Silver, Ahriman Blue, Drakenhof NightShade, Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade. Caledor Sky, Screamer Pink, Caliban Green.


  1. Spray Chaos Black basecoat.
  2. Cloth and outside of coat – base Ahriman Blue, wash Drakenhof NightShade, highlight Ahriman Blue.
  3. Leather – base Mornfang brown, wash Agrax Earthshade, paint over 2/3 of Mornfang brown with Skrag Brown (you do not need to be precise), highlight Deathclaw Brown (again doesn’t need to be precise and in fact a little scratchy looking painting will just make the leather looked worn).
  4. Skin – Base Bugmans Glow, paint Cadian Fleshtone over but leaving any dark recesses or deep creases in the skin, highlight with Kislev Flesh on the brow, tip of the nose and cheek bones.
  5. Steel – base Leadbelcher, wash Nuln Oil, highlight Stormhost Silver.
  6. Gold – base Retributor Armour, wash Agrax Earthshade, highlight Liberator Gold.
  7. Feathers, pick out with Caledor Sky, Caliban Green and Screamer Pink, wash with Agrax Earthshade.

Paint Time: 4-6 hours


Painting Guide – Blackstone – Traitor Commissioner

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Originally Blackstone Fortress: Traitor Command now Kill Team: Blooded

Paint(s): Chaos Black (spray), Abaddon Black, Dark Reaper, Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone, Leadbelcher, Balthasar Gold, Bugmans Glow, Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh, Agrax Earthshade, Nuln Oil, Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Carroburg Crimson.


  1. Spray Chaos Black, paint skin Bugmans Glow, layer Cadian Fleshtone leaving dark recesses and cracks, highlight Kislev Flesh (paying special attention to scars).
  2. Gun/armour – base Leadbelcher, paint trim with Balthasar Gold, wash Nuln Oil.
  3. Cloth/ rag – base Zandri Dust, highlight Ushabti Bone, wash Agrax Earthshade.
  4. Coat/ boots – base Abaddon Black, highlight Dark Reaper.
  5. Coat trim/power fist – base Mephiston Red, wash Carroburg Crimson, highlight Evil Sunz Scarlet.

Notes: You can add Blood for the Blood God to flag for extra grimness, and rust on the armour can be done with Rhinox hide applied randomly over the steel with small dots of Mornfang brown within the Rhinox hide.


Painting Guide – Necromunda Floor Tiles

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Games Workshop Necromunda floor tiles

Paint(s): Chaos Black (spray), Leadbelcher, Balthasar Gold, Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, Averland Sunset, Abaddon Black, Necron Compound.


  1. Base coat Chaos Black and then Leadbelcher.
  2. Paint grill areas with Balthasar Gold.
  3. Heavy wash with Nuln Oil.
  4. Heavy wash with Agrax Earthshade.
  5. Dry brush with Leadbelcher.
  6. Dry brush with Necron Compound.
  7. Pick out a few sections for hazard stripes and paint Averland Sunset.
  8. Either freehand or use masking tape to paint black stripes with Abaddon Black.

Paint Time: 30-60 mins

Notes: allow plenty of drying time between wash’s