Painting Guide – Freebooter Warjack

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Privateer Press Freebooter

Paint(s): Leadbelcher spray, Thousand Sons Blue, Caliban Green, White Scar, Leadbelcher, Balthasar Gold, Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, Celestra Grey, Ulthuan Grey, Averland Sunset, Yriel Yellow, Mephiston Red, Necron Compound, Rhinox hide, Mornfang brown, Skrag Brown.

Method(s): Base whole model with Leadbelcher spray, next wash the whole model with Nuln Oil. Once this is fully dry, wash with Agrax Earthshade. Again once fully dry lightly dry then brush the whole model with Necron Compound.

For primary armour colour make a 1:1 ratio mix of Thousand Sons Blue and Caliban Green. for highlights add a little White Scar to this mix. this highlight colour can also be used randomly on armour to apply scratches and chips.

For secondary armour, colour base Celestra Grey and then layer Ulthuan Grey. The red cross is done freehand with Mephiston Red, for straight line free hand it is best done with a quick confident line. I find if you take your time you wobble more, if any mistakes are made this is easily fixed by painting Ulthuan Grey over the top. Once fully dried, highlight secondary armour with White Scar this can also be applied randomly for chips and scratches.

Pick out any pipe connections or cogs with Balthasar Gold, wash with Nuln Oil and then Agrax Earthshade.

For any rust apply Rhinox hide randomly, this is best done around connecting parts or anywhere water would pool on the model. within the Rhinox hide layer a little Mornfang brown, and within this apply a few dots of Skrag Brown.

Notes: For the base, paint blue (something like Caledor Sky, and layer Baharroth Blue but not full coverage allow some of the darker blue to show through, lightly highlight with White Scar dry brush. Next use Woodland Scenics Water Effects. This as a gel consistency and and can be shaped quite easily allowing you to make splashing effects, in addition once its dried you can apply more layers to allow for larger splashes. Take your time and have a play with this. remember water is random so don’t need to be precise. lastly once happy apply a very light dry brush of White Scar.

Painting Guide – Blackstone Fortress: Amallyn Shadowguide

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Amallyn Shadowguide from the Blackstone Fortress base box

Paint(s): Chaos Black spray, Celestra Grey, Ulthuan Grey, White Scar, Space Wolves Grey contrast, Caliban Green, Loren Forest, Elysian Green, Abaddon Black, White Scar, Bugmans Glow, Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh, Rhinox hide, DoomBull Brown, Leadbelcher, Stormhost Silver, Retributor Armour, Mephiston Red, Nuln Oil.

Method(s):  Base with Chaos Black spray. next I recommend starting with the face, base it in Bugmans Glow, (paint eyes first so you can easily correct mistakes) with Bugmans Glow after, base eye in White Scar, now with Abaddon Black paint each pupil, lastly with a very watered down Abaddon Black just put your brush tip to the edge of each eye this should flood the recesses for a cool dark eyeline affect.) layer Cadian Fleshtone avoiding the recesses, highlight Kislev Flesh.

Armour, base Celestra Grey, wash with Space Wolves Grey contrast, layer Ulthuan Grey avoiding any recesses or points where armour would overlap. highlight with White Scar.

Robe: Base Caliban Green, layer Loren Forest avoiding recesses, highlight with Elysian Green.

Leather and gun: Base Rhinox hide, highlight with DoomBull Brown. gold trim base with Retributor Armour, steel trim base with Leadbelcher, for the sword highlight blade edge with Stormhost Silver.

Lastly for red gems base Mephiston Red and edge highlight with White Scar.

Paint Time: 10-12hours

Painting Guide – Space Marines Chaplain

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Space Marines Chaplain (old)

Paint(s): Chaos Black Spray, Abaddon Black, Dark Reaper, Fenrisian Grey, Mephiston Red, Carroburg Crimson, Blood Angel Red contrast, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red, Leadbelcher, Scale Colour – Metal n’ Alchemy – Speed Metal, Retributor Armour, Reikland FleshShade, Liberator Gold, Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone, Screaming Skull, Rhinox hide, Baharroth Blue, Drakenhof NightShade, Rakarth Flesh, Pallid Wych Flesh, Agrax Earthshade.

Method(s): Spray Chaos Black, for the armour base with a thin layer of Abaddon Black, edge highlight with Dark Reaper and then apply a final minimal highlight with Fenrisian Grey applying only to parts that would be hit by zenithal light source {{, imagine the sun above, and only highlight where the light from this would reach}}.

All Gold parts: Base Retributor Armour, wash with Reikland FleshShade, layer with Retributor Armour avoiding the darkest recesses and highlight with Liberator Gold.

Helmet sculls and bone: base with Zandri Dust, wash with Agrax Earthshade, layer avoiding recesses with Ushabti Bone and highlight with Screaming Skull.

Loincloth scroll: base Rakarth Flesh, wash with Agrax Earthshade and highlight with Pallid Wych Flesh.

Shoulder scrolls: base Baharroth Blue, wash with Drakenhof NightShade and highlight with Baharroth Blue. For text on all scrolls make a mix of Rhinox hide and water roughly 1:3 ratio with a small amount on your brush take your time and brush slow wiggles in vertical lines.

Gun case and eyes: base Mephiston Red, wash Carroburg Crimson, layer Evil Sunz Scarlet, and highlight with Wild Rider Red.

Paint Time: 12-16 hours.

Painting Guide – Blackstone Fortress – Aradia Mudellan – Primaris Psyker

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Blackstone Fortress Escalation (Out of print)

Paint(s): Chaos Black Spray, Abaddon Black, Iron Warriors, Nuln Oil, Iron Hands Steel, Retributor Armour, Liberator Gold, Rakarth Flesh, Steel Legion Drab, Screaming Skull, Skavebblight Dinge, Caliban Green, Ulthuan Grey, White Scar, Bugmans Glow, Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh, Khorne Red, Baharroth Blue, Drakenhof NightShade.


Skin: Base: Bugmans Glow, Wash: Reikland FleshShade, Layer: Cadian Fleshtone avoiding the darkest recesses, Highlight: Kislev Flesh. for the eyes base Baharroth Blue and apply a very gentle wash of Drakenhof NightShade. paint metal implants with Iron Warriors.

Jacket:, trousers, boots, and gloves are all nice and easy. Base jacket with Steel Legion Drab, trousers with Skavebblight Dinge, and boots/gloves with Abaddon Black. For highlight add a little white to each of the colours and apply an edge highlight respectively. The inside of the jacket can just be based with Khorne Red we are not going to highlight this as it is on the underside and mostly unseen. sash should be based in Ulthuan Grey and highlighted with White Scar, tips of the sash painted in exactly the same way as the jacket. the loin cloth robe should be based in Caliban Green and treated again the same way as the jacket and trousers. add a little white to your green and highlight with this.

For armour I went with a dark tint as I feel it makes the armour orbs (this is clearly the correct name for them) pop a little more. base in Iron Warriors, wash with Nuln Oil and finally highlight with Iron Hands Steel. orbs painted the same way as eyes above except lastly add a little flick in the bottom corner of white and a dot in each opposite corner to give a lens flair look. Finally gold trim based with Retributor Armour and highlighted with Liberator Gold.

Paint Time: 6-8hours

Painting Guide – Alluna the Illuminati Assassin

Painter: Dultoriminis

Model(s): Alluna the Illuminati Assassin

Paint(s): Chaos Black spray, Khorne Red, Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red, Naggaroth Night, Xereus Purple, Genestealer Purple, Mornfang brown, Skrag Brown, Grey Knights Steel, Abaddon Black , Bugmans Glow, Reikland FleshShade, Cadian Fleshtone.

Method(s): base with Chaos Black spray,

Base the boots, gloves, hood and cape with Naggaroth Night, layer Xereus Purple avoiding the darkest recesses, finally highlight with Genestealer Purple.

For the main body and red flare on hood and cape, base the body only with Khorne Red, next layer Mephiston Red avoiding the dark recesses of the body. here you can pick out the tip of the hood and bit nearest the face with Mephiston Red also. for the hood blend we need to create a glaze, for this create a 3:1 water and Mephiston Red mix. paint this onto the purple of the hood just above (the part nearest face) or below (the tip of the hood) where you applied the red base and push your brush towards the red. the coverage will seem very minimal but that’s fine, we want to do several passes allowing time for it to fully dry between passes. this will create a nice smooth transition. Take your time and have fun with it.

Back to the body, with Evil Sunz Scarlet pick out the abs, top of the breasts and any other high creases in the suit. lastly a very fine highlight with Wild Rider Red.

Leather straps, base with Mornfang brown, next layer 1:1 mix Mornfang brown and Skrag Brown over all but the darkest recesses, finally highlight with Skrag Brown.

Lastly paint hair Abaddon Black, base face Bugmans Glow, wash Reikland FleshShade, and highlight Cadian Fleshtone. and pick out all metal bits with Grey Knights Steel.